Where Do You Think?

bn241070.jpgThe other day, Peter Shankman of HARO sent out a query from a reporter at a woman’s magazine asking for places one goes to think to be creative.

Since we are a creative group, I decided to survey a few of the HJMT folks:

“I take a long, hot shower,” said Kristie Galvani, Senior VP.

“I snuggle in my bed and get great ideas,” said Lisa Gordon, Supervisor who is now running the new HJMT Rochester office.

“I take a walk on the beach,” said Allie Herzog, New Media Director.

I also asked Jon of of J.E.G. Design, “I go on the Internet and surf the web,” he said.

What do I do? I go to sleep, wake up at 3 am and I have the most amazing ideas. I open up my laptop computer, which stays at the side of my bed and I jot stuff down.

Sometimes, I think people think I’m nuts because I’m sending emails out at 3 am. But then, as I talk with more people, I realize that I’m not the only one sending out stuff at 3 am. Oftentimes, when I send out an email at 3 am, I get one back!


Where do you think?

One Comment

  1. finance computer

    finance computer

    Very resourceful information.

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