Lately, I’ve been wondering what time people go to bed and wake up in the morning.
I go to bed by around 10ish and get up at 6 am (sometimes 5 am). There are days that I go to bed later and of course there are days that I go to bed earlier. Work is so hectic. There are times I get home at 7 and am in bed by 7:30 pm!
I reached out to my Facebook community and asked what time is appropriate to go to bed. Here’s what I got:
Michael Dunne I usually get home at around 8pm from work (granted tonight I got home at 10pm) go to sleep by bed by 10pm….lights out/tv off by 11pm and get up at 5am.
Brad Stern Go shluffin around 1AM and up at 7AM…
Deborah Shannon Orgel Gordon I go to bed between 10-11p and I wake up around 730-815a..I like to sleep a lot!! 🙂
- Constance Korol Wake up 5am usually asleep by 9, tonight is a rare night of watching chasing classic cars…the energy of Mecum Auction is like caffeine 🙂
- Lynne Viccaro O’Leary Earliest at 11 pm usually around 12 midnight. Up around 6:45. Explains the IV of coffee.
Greg Sleter Usually around midnight, up around 7 a.m.
Larry Nedelka ·Anywhere from 11pm – 2am to bed and 5:30am – 8am awake
Dale Orens Handler Physically in bed by 10ish usually , watch tv , read, out by midnight When. School is out I sleep till 7/8 ish
- Penny Alana Weisblatt I go to bed between 11pm-12 and wake up about 7:45am
- Jon Kniss I go to bed usually around 11:00 and I’m up like clockwork right around 6:00 or so…
- Mindy Hope Siegel Between 10:30-11pm during the week. Up around 6:30-7am. Weekend 12am
- Mindy Hope Siegel What about you Hilary
David Goldberg Sleep @ 2. Wake at 7. Seems to work. One cup a joe in the am. Another round 3 or 4.
Dale Orens Handler Ok small world moment, David how do you know JJ Wilson?
Kevin Kelly ?12:30 -720
Kevin Kelly Oh yeah coffee all day hot iced – lather rinse repeat.
Abbas Ismail ?1am-7am.. Catch up on Saturday–3am-11am
Leslie Raynor Bed around 12:30. Try to sleep until at least 6:30 but it doesn’t always work.
Kali Chan Up until about 12:30. Morning alarm sounds off at 6:00 to watch the morning news and quickly review emails I might need to reply to immediately.
Lynne Viccaro O’Leary FYI — I’m still up 🙂
Hilary Topper ?:)
Madeline Milstein Silverman sleep by 10pm (sometimes I fall asleep earlier) and up at 5:30 for school w/ my alarm or usually 6:30/7 am without the alarm. And, good morning to you!
Mike Seilback sleep around midnight, wake by 630
Deanna Marshall I go to bed on Jay Leno, wake up around 6am.
Ellen F. Heydt ?11:30-Midnight, up between 6:45 and 7 (depending on how sleepy I feel!)
Donna Ceravolo Mid-night-ish and up by 7:00 unless I have an early meeting. Weekends are another story! I could become a professional sleeper given then right set of circumstances!
Carol Ransom In bed by tenish up by 5:15-5:30 @gym by 6:00 at least three days a wk….unless on vacation
Beth Jacobs Granger It’s all over the map lately. If I could do as I pleased every day it would probably be go to bed 11 and wake up at 7.
So what do you think? Are we all getting enough sleep?