Waiting… Waiting… Waiting…

The other day, I scheduled a lunch with a potential client who, through the process, has become a friend. We made the appointment for 1 pm at a little Italian restaurant on the upper East Side.

I got to the restaurant early and was seated immediately.  About five minutes past 1 pm, I called his office.  “Oh, I thought the restaurant was located somewhere else,” the receptionist said. “It’s a good thing you called me.”

I waited.  I drank my diet coke with lemon.  I checked my emails and my voice mails.  I waited.

Meanwhile, the waiters were giving me dirty looks.  I could just imagine them saying to themselves, “how could she take up valuable real estate in our NYC restaurant?”

About 15 minutes after 1 pm, I called the office again. I asked what time my appointment left his office. “Oh, he’s still here,” the receptionist told me. “But he’s leaving now. He will be there in 7 minutes. By the way, isn’t the appointment for 1:30 pm?”

She was right! I screwed up my calendar and never changed it from 1 to 1:30 pm. I was feeling a little embarrassed — for calling the office twice, for sitting in the restaurant while the waiters eye balled me,  and for twiddling my thumbs for a 1/2 hour when I could have been blogging!  Next time, I’ll double check…


  1. Mrlongisland

    Stuff happens, Hilary. I think you should be more worried about drinking Diet Coke. That stuff is absolute poison. But that's me.

    1. hiltop25

      You're right…. I need to focus on water!!!! You're so funny…. H:)

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