Three Tips on Keeping Your 2021 New Year Resolution


I hate resolutions, because I typically don’t stick with it. One year, I wanted to exercise more often, joined a gym and never went back. One year, I wanted to make it my goal to ride my bike more, and I didn’t. I’m not alone. According to US News and World Report, 80 percent of those who set resolutions, end them by February 2.

So, what do you do? How can you achieve your goals without failing? Here are three tips to help you set your resolution and stick with it in 2021 and beyond.

  1. Write it Down – When I have a plan, I tend to stick with it unless something comes up. For example, I use Training Peaks and have hired a coach to help me with my triathlon training. The reason I’ve been successful, is I “hired a coach” who has set a plan for me. It’s written down in an app called, Training Peaks. Now, I also find that when I write down my food, I tend to stick with my diet as well. So, for me, writing it down allows me to stick with my goals.
  2. Hire a Coach – This could be a business coach, running coach, life coach, etc. By hiring someone to keep you on track, you will be on track because you know you have to!
  3. Create an Integrated Marketing Plan and Timeline – When you plan and prepare a month by month timeline and then go over it each month, you will make sure it happens. This integrated marketing plan can be for your business, but it also can be used for a personal goal. Say, for example, you want to create a blog in 2021 and want to get 10,000 followers by end of year. How will you get there? What do you do to make it happen? This should all be written down and then reviewed at least once a month.

Have any other ideas to stick with your goals? Want to share a story? Please do so in the comments below. You can win a copy of my new book, Branding in a Digital World.

Happy New Year!