Three Notable Restaurants in Jerusalem

We went to three amazing restaurants in Jerusalem — Chakra, Palomino, and Mona. Here’s what we thought.



At the north end of Ben Yahuda Street is a park on King George Street. Chakra is located right there. You have to walk into the park to enter the restaurant. This is a fine dining restaurant and is a bit pricey but worth the money. The food was outstanding.

Here are some of the dishes we had:

filet mignon




This restaurant was also located at the park off King David Road. It was supposed to be Italian but it had a variety of dishes from pasta to continental cuisine. Although I didn’t take photos here, I think it’s worth noting because it was also a good restaurant to check out.





During Shabbat, almost everything closes down, including restaurants. But, there are some that aren’t “Kosher” and stay open. Mona’s was one of them. Mona was located in the Artist House at Shmu’el ha-Nagid St 12.

This was another outstanding restaurant that I would highly recommend. We had a series of tapas and then had an array of delicious desserts. Here is some of what we had:

tuna shells mona

Tapas at Mona

porterhouse at mona


And, for dessert, we had:



If you’re going to Jerusalem, definitely check out these three gems. You won’t be disappointed!