The Stolen Pumpkin And Much More…

Call me naive, but I am shocked at what has happened this week.

First, I was in the city wearing my leather jacket.  I bought the jacket in Colorado a few years back and it didn’t fit me for the longest time.  When I tried it on this past week, it “fit like a glove!”  So, I decided to wear it to the city.  The day was warmer than I originally thought and I took the jacket off and carried it around.  I placed it down on a counter and turned my back and the next thing I knew… the jacket was gone!

Then, my son and his dad went to Washington, DC this past weekend to the Jon Stewart rally.  After the rally, the two were on clean up duty.  They walked through the park picking up recyclables as a community service activity.  When they got on a crowded train back to their hotel, my son checked his pocket and noticed that someone picked his pocket.  The phone was gone…

On Halloween, I traditionally put out an oversized pumpkin and fill it with candy.  Every year, I leave a sign that says “please take one, we are watching.”  This year I put it out again. It was funny that quite a few people said to me that the kids will run off with all the candy.

“Oh common,” I said.  “These kids are honest.”

The door bell rang.  I went to get it.  There were two young girls dressed as Minie Mouse by the door.

“Take what you want in the pumpkin filled with candy,” I said.

“Oh, we’re sorry,” said the young girl with glasses, “we don’t see anything.”

I poked my head out the door.  “Oh my God, the pumpkin is gone!  The pumpkin is gone!” I yelled.

“Wow, who would do something like that,” the other girl said. “That is so rude.”

I shook my head and closed the door.

P.S. The phone rang right after that and it was my mom telling me that one of the Aides that help her stole my dad’s camera, his lenses and her small camera.  What is going on???


  1. Michael

    Do I saw “sign of the times” or “Money's tight” nope People's value system is changing and partly because of the lack or real one on one face to face interaction. When you have a screen, text or email it's not the same as face to face when you actually see what your actions do. Sorry but all of this technology has really hurt us in some ways. You hear people saying I miss the good old days, yes because there was a one on one. I am not saying that Technology hasn't improved our lives or made things easier, yep but overall I'll go back to MaBell and 5cents or 10 cents for a call and 10 cents for the bus or subway. Tech and the demand for all these goodies has really pushed us to get more and bigger and better things, which is where the saying “He who dies with the most toys wins” so let's take it back a notch and go back to a simplier time or at least do more with less. The think and act green movement is a start. Look at your neighbor and say hello once in a while, slow down and enjoy life, it goes by way too fast. Sorry for the preaching but I do miss the simplpier life at times. I like sitting down and playing a game of cards with my kids or 20 questions. Using my head instead of a computer. Yes I know I'm on one now, I didn't say you have to get rid of technology just use it smarter and less. The Sunrise and Sunset are free and Priceless. So are your kids.

    1. hiltop25

      Michael, thanks for your comments… There is nothing like face to face contact!

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