The First Google Glass Reality Show: Thoughts on Glasslandia

If you didn't get to watch episode 6, "Making Of Glasslandia" yet, take a look now! Here's our final take about the first ever Google Glass reality show! Glasslandia has come to a close. What did you think? Hilary "The CEO & Google Glass Explorer": It was a great run....

Wine Tips For Your New Year’s Eve Party

Italy is an amazing place to visit.  The scenery is gorgeous, the food is fantastic and the wine is incredible. So when I received these tips from Debi Mazar, actress and wine connoisseur, I wanted to share with you, especially this time of year. P.S. This wine rocks and is...

Book Review: Jerry Kremer’s Winning Albany – Untold Stories About the Famous and Not So Famous

I remember Arthur “Jerry” Kremer when I was a little girl growing up in Long Beach in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Jerry Kremer was our legislator. I never met him. But my parents knew him. My parents were in awe of him. He was the savior who would help the...

Book Review: Joanne S. Black’s Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal

With the prevalence of social media, you are finding less and less people relying on traditional ways to cultivate and close the sale. But, according to Joanne S. Black in her new book, Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal, the phone and in-person meetings...

Are You Prepared to Leave the Business You Built?

More and more small business owners are selling their companies, with sales hitting a four-year high earlier this year in the United States, and Canada predicting its largest small business turnover ever in the next five years. “Many of our CEOs are baby boomers approaching retirement age,” says Kathleen Richardson-Mauro,...

Going On A #GoogleGlass #FindYourIsland Challenge to #FtMeyerSanibel

As part of the #GoogleGlass Explorer program, I was put into a private explorer group (similar to a private Facebook group or Yammer group). Every day, I scour the group.  Hey, you never know what someone posted that day.  A couple of weeks ago, I came across a post that...