Restaurant Review: Lost & Found in Long Beach, NY Lost & Found was featured in The New York Times and since then, my husband has been talking with me about going to try it out. Lost & Found is located in the West End of Long Beach, NY. The restaurant...
It’s the End of the Summer, Is it Beach Time Yet?
My family and I live a block from the beach. It seems as if everyone who lives in Nassau County parks in front of our house to walk to the beach so that they don't have to pay the $10 parking fee. Every weekend, we watch as countless people park, pull out...
Book Review: Jerry Kremer’s Winning Albany – Untold Stories About the Famous and Not So Famous
I remember Arthur “Jerry” Kremer when I was a little girl growing up in Long Beach in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Jerry Kremer was our legislator. I never met him. But my parents knew him. My parents were in awe of him. He was the savior who would help the...
Book Review: Joanne S. Black’s Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal
With the prevalence of social media, you are finding less and less people relying on traditional ways to cultivate and close the sale. But, according to Joanne S. Black in her new book, Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal, the phone and in-person meetings...
Polar Bear Club In Long Beach…
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was originally posted on February 7, 2010. In celebration of's fifth anniversary, this post is a re-post from Please be sure to comment to be eligible to win a prize pack at the end of the month! Thanks for reading! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was a virgin until...
The New Normal – Hurricane Sandy Cars Towed
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a month since Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on Long Beach, NY, leaving devastation in its wake. The recovery process has been long and challenging, with countless visible reminders of the storm’s impact still scattered across the town. Among them were the rows of...
The Truth About Hurricane Sandy in Long Beach, NY
I live in Long Beach and through my travels across the island I've heard lots of crazy rumors about this town. So to set the record straight, I thought I would just jot down a few truths here: The ocean met the bay when Hurricane Sandy hit Long Beach Not...
Are There Any Old Fashioned Doctors on Long Island?
Do you remember watching Dr. Kildare? The show ran from 1961 - 1966. I don't remember watching it but it gave me the perception that all doctors cared. When I started going to the doctor on my own, I realized that I was just another number in his book of...
Bumping Into People From the Past…
The other day, I was coming out of my house when I heard someone calling my name -- "Hilary, Hilary." I looked at a woman who was running towards me. As she came closer, I realized it was Amy Fishman, a friend from elementary school through High School. We lost...