Book Review: Joanne S. Black’s Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal

With the prevalence of social media, you are finding less and less people relying on traditional ways to cultivate and close the sale. But, according to Joanne S. Black in her new book, Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal, the phone and in-person meetings...

HJMT Celebrates Our Sweet 16 (in 2008)…

  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In celebration of's fifth anniversary, this post is a re-post from Please be sure to comment to be eligible to win a prize pack at the end of the month! Thanks for reading! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Related articles Happy Blog Anniversary! Wegmans... Wegmans... Wegmans... Thanks BenBella Books...

10 Ways to Enhance Your Blog Using Video…

1) Interview A Client Clients have a lot to say about their services and products. By giving them the opportunity to be interviewed for your blog, gives them added value and more exposure. 2) Interview a Staff Member Let the world know what your staff do at their job. Also,...

Hilary’s Top 10 2011 Blogher Swag

Everyone loves swag. And, at the Blogher Conference in San Diego last August, I was given so much swag, I had to buy another suitcase! (I could have left the stuff at the hotel room but how could I part with beloved swag?) It’s taken me months to get an...

Book Review: The Art of Effective Online Social Networking by Jeanne Grunert

When networking online or offline, it’s important to stay consistent and  The Art of Effective Online Social Networking by Jeanne Grunert, shows you how to do just that. The book is perfect for those thinking about dipping their toes into social media, and believe it or not, there are still...

A Special Moment for Me…

The other night I was invited to give a keynote address to the alumni at Baruch College’s Executive MPA program.  I graduated from Baruch in 1991.  I was pregnant at the time and the following year, I gave birth, graduated with my Master’s Degree and started a business. At the...

Product Review: New Cold-EEZE Spray

I have a love-hate relationship with this time of the year. I love that the leaves are changing and that the weather is cool, but not freezing. I love putting away my summer clothes and shoes and switching over to fall and winter clothes and boots. But, what I hate...

Harried Mornings…

How do you deal with your mornings? I have one child in the house now and I find myself putting on my suit and knocking on his door for him to get up. Five minutes later, I knock on the door again. Another five minutes goes by and I’m screaming...