Please Sign a Petition…

Colleen Plunkett is a Facebook friend who I met through my very dear friend, Angela Melledy who owns ABLE Newspaper. Colleen recently reached out to me because a friend of hers, Ryan Stockdale has eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder.

She writes that “Ryan has has four young children that have the same disorder my son — all four of his kids are tube fed. Now he is very sick and his insurance refuses to pay for his surgery.”

When I researched further, I found out that Ryan suffers from an extremely rare and painful condition called cluster headaches, also known as suicide headaches. Ryan and his family were featured on ABC‘s Extreme Home Makeover in 2007, but shortly after moving into their new home, Ryan was diagnosed with this condition that affects less than .01% of the population. Since then, Ryan and his family have been trying to cope with the constant agony caused by cluster headaches.

According to the web site, “the pain of cluster headaches is significantly greater than in other headache conditions, including severe migraines, and experts believe that it may be the most severe pain known to medical science. Ryan can experience up to ten attacks a day, leaving him crying in pain, unable to work, attend school, or even play with his kids. At only 27-years-old, Ryan has been left paralyzed by his condition. Ryan has tried dozens of drugs and treatments, but nothing works. His last option is a procedure called deep brain stimulation, where doctors implant a pacemaker-like device that delivers electric stimulation to the brain. Ryan has tried to get his insurance company to cover the procedure, but they have rejected his physicians’ requests and appeals.”

I reviewed the site and my heart went out to Ryan and his family. That is why I am posting this blog. Please help Ryan by signing the petition (link).

He needs only 100 signatures more in order to get the help he needs. Thanks in advance to all of you!