On Being a Woman in Business

Being a woman in business has been an incredible journey filled with triumphs and challenges. Despite reaching success at my PR firm, HJMT PR, the road was not without its hurdles, many of which were uniquely tied to my gender. The recent events in the news brought me back to the thick of being in business and what it was like. Here’s a snippet of that experience.

For starters…

From the outset, I noticed that men often landed jobs for which I was equally, if not more, qualified. The ‘old boys network’ was alive and well, creating an environment where connections often trumped competence. Witnessing opportunities slip away simply because I didn’t fit the existing social mold was disheartening.

Hilary winning lifetime achievement award



Respect in the workplace was another significant issue. It wasn’t just about professional acknowledgment but about being seen and treated as an equal. On numerous occasions, my attempts to network were misinterpreted by male colleagues. What I intended as professional camaraderie was often seen as a romantic interest. This led to deeply uncomfortable and inappropriate situations where I was either kissed on the mouth or slapped on the backside, actions that were both shocking and degrading.

Newsday article

Have things changed?

Reflecting on these experiences, I wonder if things have truly changed for women in business. The societal landscape has certainly evolved; seeing a woman run for president of the United States. These milestones are monumental and inspire a sense of hope. However, the question remains: are these changes superficial or indicative of a deeper transformation?

PR Week award


While progress has been made, it’s essential to remain vigilant and continue pushing for genuine equality. Respect, opportunity, and a safe working environment should be the norm, not the exception. Let’s celebrate how far we’ve come but also recognize the work that still needs to be done. True change will be reflected not just in the headlines, but in the everyday experiences of women in business.

As I look to the future, I remain hopeful. The resilience and strength I’ve seen in my fellow women in business are remarkable. Together, we can continue to break down barriers and pave the way for future generations.