Meet My Folks…

My parents are amazing people.  Last night I got a call from my dad all excited.

“I just got you a huge lead,” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Mom and I went to a respiratory conference in Boca and there was a man there from a large hospital in need of PR services,” he said.  He proceeded to give me the guy’s name, phone number and information.

“Now don’t forget to call him on Monday,” he said. I smiled.

The last time I was visiting my folks, I taped them to share with you because they mean so much to me and I appreciate everything they have done for me through the years…

Tell me about your parents…

One Comment

  1. Craig Yaris

    Hilary, this is great. They are very cute. It’s great that you have such a close relationship with them. Those of us that have that kind of relationship with our parents should cherish it. I know I don’t always, and this reminded me that I need to work on that.


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