How did you first hear about HJMT?
How did I hear? I am HJMT – Hilary Jan Mass Topper. Actually before I started the firm in 1992, I was seriously considering using my maiden name and calling the firm – Mass Communications. But, I thought that was too cliché, so I went with my initials.
What was your first job?
My first job was a ticket taker at the beach in Long Beach. It was the most boring job but I was there every day, 7 days a week!
Are you married? Any kids?
I am married and have two children, a daughter who goes to Syracuse University and is majoring in Public Relations at the Newhouse School for Public Communications and I have a 12 year old son who goes to middle school.
What do you like to do outside of work?
My favorite thing is to hang out with my children and spend quality time with them.
List some of you favorites:
Food – Love Pasta but don’t eat it anymore because it’s too fattening!
Movie – When Harry Met Sally, Annie Hall
Music – Ramones, Green Day, Coldplay, U2,
Sport – Golf and now running (is that a sport? I’m trying to run a 10 mile race in May.)
TV Show – The Biggest Loser
Where was your most recent vacation?
I’ve been on a bunch of really cool vacations recently but I think the one I most recently went on would be Panama.
What was the most recent book you read?
Trust Agent by Chris Brogan, Tribes by Seth Godin and Happiness by the Dalih Lama
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
New York City – I desperately miss the energy in the city!
If you could pick anyone for President who would it be?
I think I would pick myself. I know I would make an amazing, motivating President who would get things done!
What’s a typical day like as a President?
There isn’t a typical day. I float from the Westbury, Manhattan and Rochester offices. I go from appointment to appointment, making lots of phone calls, talking with tons of people and in the middle of it all focusing on social media!
What’s your favorite part about HJMT?
The energy from my staff. They are amazing people and work very hard for our clients. I also love our clients. It’s great to work with good people!
What are you doing tonight after work?
Going to the HJMT Holiday party at Peter Lugar’s Steakhouse in Brooklyn…