Why Don’t More Businesses Value Social Media?

social media

It’s frustrating to me that after eight years, many businesses still don’t see the value in Social Media. Many get it and value it’s power but those who don’t still hire interns and entry level employees to create posts and monitor sites.

But is that what Social Media is all about?

Social media, just like any other marketing tactic, needs to have a strategy. Interns can’t just post random thoughts. When working on your social media strategy consider the following:

  • Strategy – What is your overall marketing strategy? Does your social fit with that strategy?
  • Theme – Should there be a theme? How long should it last? Does the theme go with your branding message?
  • Audience – Who is in your community?  What do they want to hear? What are they looking for from you?  (It’s not all about you, it’s about your community and what they want.)
  • Voice – Which voice do you want to use to communicate information about your business? Do you want a fun voice? serious voice? factual voice?
  • Engagement – How will you get your community to respond? What will entice them to get involved in the conversation?
  • Growth – How will you grow the community?  Will you coordinate with another group to get your message out? Should you put some money into advertising?  How can you organically grow?


  1. Cloris Kylie

    I think what happens is that people’s mindset changes at a slower speed than technology. It’s hard for many to embrace fast changes. In regard to social media, engagement is key. In time, everyone will realize this. Thank you for the post!

  2. Jennifer Abel

    I think the biggest problem with business is that they think that social media is purley a social thing. Getting the most from social media is a hard thing when you do not know how! You make some great valid pointers. I am just about to launch an Ebook all about leveraging social media. Visiting from #IBABloggers

      1. Jennifer Abel

        Thanks Hilary, hopefully it will be ready by the end of the week!

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