If you need an assistant, now may be the right time to hire a virtual assistant through Work Better Now.
Interestingly, a former client of mine is the owner of this organization and to me, it sounds like a lifesaver!
I don’t know about you, but I have had many times during my professional career when I really needed an extra hand. I wish I knew about Work Better Now back then.
Here’s the deal…
For only $1,750 a month, you can get a full-time, 8-hour assistant. That’s only $404 a week for the year!!! Plus, I have a discount code of $150 for the first three months. This will lower the price down to $1,600 a month!
Use the discount code: NYLB to get $150 off a month for the first three months!
With this new virtual assistant, you can have formatted PowerPoint presentations, arrange for meetings with a live person, create and collect invoices, update your database and CRM, and more!
I’m sharing this with you because I think it is beneficial to anyone who owns a business, especially during these times… Go to https://bit.ly/3gU0sMz and use the code: NYLB.