Daisy in the Country

daisy and ollie

Watching Daisy, my daughter and son-in-law’s dog, inspired me to write this short children’s book, Daisy in the Country. See below.

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Daisy is an Australian Cattledog who lives in New York City with her brother, Oliver, though everyone calls him Ollie. One day, Ollie and his parents traveled to Los Angeles to visit Auntie and Grandpa.

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While her family was away, Daisy stayed at her other grandma and grandpa’s house in the countryside. Everything there was new and exciting! Daisy had never seen bunnies or squirrels back in New York City. She wagged her tail with excitement as she asked Grandma if she could go outside to chase them. Grandma smiled and opened the back door, letting Daisy explore.

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After her adventure outside, where she tried her hardest to catch the quick bunnies and squirrels, Daisy came back inside. To her delight, she discovered a pile of toys waiting for her! There was a squishy duck, a floppy octopus, and even a tasty bully stick to chew on. Daisy couldn’t decide what to play with first!

Daisy and Oliver

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Every morning, Daisy and Grandma went for a walk through the neighborhood. Grandma used a special leash that fit snugly around Daisy’s belly to keep her safe. Daisy quickly spotted squirrels and bunnies on their walks, and every time she did, she tried to dart after them. But Grandma held on tight, even when Daisy pulled her through lawns in her quest to pounce.

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Daisy didn’t like being held back and pulled even harder. She wanted to catch the naughty squirrels, but Grandma always stayed firm. No matter how hard Daisy tried, Grandma never let her win.

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When they got back home, Daisy was still full of energy. She begged Grandma to let her into the backyard for another round of bunny and squirrel-chasing. Grandma always opened the door for her. But when Daisy got tired, she stood at the glass door, with her tail wagging and a little bark, asking Grandma to let her back inside.

Daisy, my granddog

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One day, Grandma had to go to the doctor’s office in New York City for a checkup after her knee surgery. Daisy was left all alone in the house. She felt lonely and sad as she waited for Grandma to come home. But when Grandma returned, Daisy’s tail wagged like crazy! She grabbed her favorite floppy octopus toy, and the two played tug-of-war until Daisy’s sadness melted away.

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Soon after, Grandma and Grandpa decided to visit Great-grandma, leaving Daisy alone again. Poor Daisy couldn’t help but feel even sadder this time. She roamed the house, searching for her brother, Ollie, but he wasn’t there. Even though she could smell his familiar scent, she didn’t see him anywhere.

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When Grandma and Grandpa came back, Daisy was relieved to see them, but her heart still felt heavy. She missed Ollie terribly. Grandma tried to cheer her up with dinner and even a special treat, but Daisy just wasn’t hungry. Instead, she crawled into her parents’ bed and tucked herself under the blankets, wishing for her family to come home.


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Grandma could see that Daisy was sad, and it made her sad too. Daisy didn’t touch her dinner that night. She stayed curled up under the blankets in the guest room and eventually fell asleep, dreaming of Ollie and her parents.

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The next morning, Daisy seemed to feel a little better. She wagged her tail and asked Grandma to open the backyard door so she could chase the bunnies and squirrels again. Running after them made her feel a bit more like herself.

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The day started quietly as Daisy took naps, explored the backyard, and played. But suddenly, there was a knock at the door! Daisy’s ears perked up, and she ran to the door as fast as she could. When Grandma opened it, Daisy saw her parents and Ollie standing there!

ollie and daisy2

Daisy was so excited she leapt into the air, nearly touching the ceiling. She barked and spun in circles as Ollie wagged his tail joyfully. Finally, Daisy and Ollie were back together again.

The country had been an adventure, but nothing felt as good as being with family.

The End
@copyright 2025 Hilary Topper