Concert Review: Paul Simon at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens With the dark clouds throughout the day and the threat of Tornados on 1010wins, I didn't think the Paul Simon concert at Forest Hills Stadium would happen. But, at 4 pm, I met my husband back at my house and headed out...
Mountain Jam – A Brief Review
The best thing about Mountain Jam is the setting. The festival is set on Hunter Mountain surrounded by trees and the Catskill mountains. It’s a beautiful venue to hold a music concert. The stage is set at the base of the mountain so everyone has a great view. The only...
Allendale Fire Department Meets Aerosmith
Photo Credit I'm a softy for the Fire Department. So when my friend, Rich Shinnick asked me to help him spread the word about a raffle that would benefit the Allendale Fire Department, I said YES! But this raffle isn't just any raffle, it's to get a fire helmet signed by...
Patti Smith Concert Teaches a Lesson on Aging
Photo credit I was at the Beacon Theatre in NYC the other evening watching Patti Smith perform her album Horses. This was her 40th anniversary concert to the day. I always loved Patti Smith's music. She inspired me by the fact that she didn't care what others thought, she just...
Side Show At Of Monsters and Men Concert at Kings Theatre
Side show at the Of Monsters and Men Concert at Kings Theatre The other night, I saw Of Monsters and Men Concert at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn. The band was on point and sounded incredible. However, there was also a side show going on at the same time....
Firefly Music Festival 2015 Fan Experience
Ever thought about attending the Firefly Music Festival in Delaware? Check out these interviews with attendees to see what they thought of the 2015 festival.
Highlights from Firefly Music Festival 2015
What's it like to experience Firefly Music Festival 2015? Check out my highlights from the weekend- long days, lots of mud and amazing music!
What To Bring To A Music Festival Like Firefly Music Festival
Thinking of going to a music festival? Or might want to attend Firefly next year? This was my second year at Firefly Music Festival in Dover, Delaware. If you are planning on coming here next year, there’s a few things you need to make sure you bring with you: Good...
FireFly Music Festival Bands
Here's a brief review of the bands I saw at Firefly Music Festival. Day 1: Grizfolk were the first band we saw at Firefly Music Festival. We saw them in the Coffee House. They were a mixture of country and rock and definitely kept my interest. This will be a band whose...
FireFly Music Festival Experience
What's it like to experience Firefly Music Festival? You walk into the festival with thousands of people all moving in the same direction. When you enter the turnstiles, you see people shuffling around some are going to the left and others to to the right. You walk straight. You pass a slew...