It’s That Time of The Year When Everyone Has a Cold!

I walk around with hand sanitizer, washing my hands constantly. I also try to drink as much water as possible and take a daily every day vitamin but when people are sick around you, it's nearly impossible to stay well. So when the makers of Golden Blossom Honey reached out...

A Runner’s Diary: Experiencing the Divas Half Marathon & 5K Series in North Myrtle Beach

When Marti, my running partner, and I arrived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, late Friday evening (April 26) in preparation for our run in the Divas Half Marathon two days later, we were exhausted. We flew Spirit Air and the flight was delayed several hours. When we got to the...

Are There Any Old Fashioned Doctors on Long Island?

Do you remember watching Dr. Kildare? The show ran from 1961 - 1966. I don't remember watching it but it gave me the perception that all doctors cared.  When I started going to the doctor on my own, I realized that I was just another number in his book of...