Who Came Up With Fitness Names?

If you heard someone say, do the Russian Twist or let me see a Cherry Picker or it's time for some Mountain Climbers, you would probably run the other way! I  know I would. Although I've been working out now for a year, I'm still intrigued by the names of...

Who Doesn’t Hate Working Out?

How do you drag yourself out of bed to go to the gym and work out? I don't know about you, but I hate going to the gym.  I know... I know... you wouldn't think so, but I find it so difficult to get up in the morning, put on...

On Getting Your Butt Kicked…

The other day, I was leaving the gym, when I heard a woman introduce my trainer, Paul, to her daughter.  "Honey, this is Paul.  He's the one who kicks Mommy's butt and the reason why she's in pain all the time." I turned around.  I couldn't believe I heard that!...

Runner’s Diary: My First Long Run

It was cold, windy and the sky was bleak. Marti, my running friend, and I were on a schedule. We needed to run six miles outside to keep up with the program that we got from Runner’s World Magazine. I put on a pair of running capris, a breathable shirt,...