Italy is an amazing place to visit. The scenery is gorgeous, the food is fantastic and the wine is incredible. So when I received these tips from Debi Mazar, actress and wine connoisseur, I wanted to share with you, especially this time of year. P.S. This wine rocks and is...
Celebrate Smarter: Nutrition Tips for Mastering the Holiday Party
Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your diet in check this holiday season shared to us by Coca-Cola and registered dietician Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator Melissa Herman Dirks (@EatSmartRDN). It’s the time of year when office parties, family holiday celebrations and get-togethers are filling up your...
Are You Prepared to Leave the Business You Built?
More and more small business owners are selling their companies, with sales hitting a four-year high earlier this year in the United States, and Canada predicting its largest small business turnover ever in the next five years. “Many of our CEOs are baby boomers approaching retirement age,” says Kathleen Richardson-Mauro,...
Ecommerce Holiday Shopping: The Biggest Opportunity of the Year for Online Retailers
With the holidays coming up, many people choose to buy their gifts online. Did you know that all five of the biggest online sale days take place between late November and mid-December? Some highlights: · Online black friday sales increased 26% last year while in store actually ...
5 Secret Gmail Tips to be More Productive
Surprisingly, trying to answer your work emails as they come in can be about as productive as watching cat videos. Fortunately, if you use Gmail or Google Apps for work, you’re in luck. Grovo, an online education platform for leading sites, apps and Internet tools has the top 5 things...
8 Reasons Why Twitter is No Facebook (Yet)
I have always wondered if Twitter will ever surpass Facebook. Will it keep growing since going public on its IPO date of November 7th? Check out these stats that were gathered shared to us by Statista: You will find more statistics at Statista --------- DISCLOSURE: I have not received any...
How Can Business Leaders Engage Their Employees? By Trevor Wilson
How many employees roll their eyes during meetings to discuss new initiatives? How often do they scramble to complete a task not because they love it, but because they’re afraid of the consequences if they don’t? How many mutter “not in my job description” when asked to assume a new...
A Routine Run that Put Our Lives In Perspective
During one of my early morning bike rides, a woman pulled over across the street and beckoned me. “Have you seen a French bulldog?” she yelled, her eyes teary. “He’s missing.” I couldn’t help her, and as she drove away, I pictured everyone in her household anxiously searching for the...
Exciting New Gadgets We’re Still Waiting for this Year by Alex Hilsburg
What’s in new stuff that gets us all worked up? Psychology has a word for this novelty-seeking behavior – neophilia. Some researchers say it’s wired into our systems, although many contest this explanation based on genetics. Sociologists and economists also weigh in on this heavy subject matter, and the debate...
Time For The Next Adventure by Greg Sleter
So it’s happened. For the first time I have left a job not by choice. I’ve been downsized. Sure it stinks. Well, actually it sucks, but truth be told it was not a surprise. When I joined three years ago as a Regional Editor covering the southwest/south central portion...