“It’s For My Family” By Steve Davies

One of the most frequent weasel words you hear as an employer are some variant of: “it’s not for me but for my family,” Beware when you hear this…it often signals the need for a pay raise, but it can also be an indication that what is coming is not...

How to Overcome a Writer’s Block by Angela Kambarian

Dear Business Owner: In my opinion, writing is one of the most essential aspects of every business endeavor. The way you communicate or describe your services or products, can have a profound impact on your bottom-line. However, a lot of business owners, including professional copywriters, struggle to get the message...

Pride Sells by Guest Blogger, Steve Poppe

One word that turns up rich consumer insights when brand planning is “pride.” Consumers know how to articulate pride.  Delving into pride helps planners get to brand truths. It may be one of the seven deadly sins but pride helps planners navigate the psyche and mine selling ideas. When Hyundai...

Improving Communications by Richard J. Atkins, Ed.D.

Communication is a Process When writing or speaking to others, communicators have specific goals: to solve problems, provide new information, or persuade others to take action.  In this process, there is a sender, receiver(s), and the message.  Senders’ choices can create understanding or confusion.  How does your communication leave your...

Association Marketing By Jim Estill

One of the oldest and most effective marketing techniques is the power of association.  Associate your product or service is something that people have good feelings about.  This can be as simple as showing a group of people having a good time, or having music in the background.  Or it...

On Giving Back – By Guest Blogger, Dr. Bruce Pinker

During the past three years, I have delivered free health seminars at public libraries throughout Rockland and Westchester counties about foot health. On Saturday, November 21st, 2009, I delivered a seminar, entitled: "Diabetes & Your Feet: The Winning Combination You Need to Know." I perform these free public health seminars...