One Month and Counting... It's been one month since Lori, my sister, called me and then I later found out she had a massive stroke. That was April 9. My life and the lives of her two daughters, her fiance, my father and brother and everyone who knew her changed...
A Tribute to Lori Weiss
A Tribute to Lori Weiss: This is the eulogy I read at Lori's funeral yesterday: ------ Lori, it’s your 60th birthday and it gives me an opportunity to reflect back on all of the things we shared and experienced through the last 56 years. For starters, I’m sorry I arrived...
My Sister Had a Stroke
My sister had a stroke Lesson learned: Don't trust doctors, trust your instincts! It all happened the first week in April. Lori, my sister, was complaining about migraines. She went to Plainview Hospital twice and had cat scans and they found nothing. NOTHING. She went to Island Neurological, a division...
The Day South Park Got Us!
The Day South Park Got Us! I don't watch South Park, but from time to time, my husband does. South Park, for those of you who have never watched, is an animated show geared for adults only because the content is controversial and sometimes political. One night, my husband was watching...
The Milk Is On Its Way…
The milk is on it's way... We just moved to the mainland and after the first week living in our new home, I received a postcard from a milk delivery service. "Can we do it?" my son asked. "I don't know if it makes sense for us because you're away...
Three “Must Have” Documents for Parents of a Child with Special Needs
Three “Must Have” Documents for Parents of a Child with Special Needs Although legal planning documents such as a health care proxy, power of attorney, last will & testament, etc. are an important part of any estate plan, if you are the parent of a child with special needs, these standard estate planning documents...
What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid? By Vincent J. Russo
What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid? By Vincent J. Russo Although Medicare and Medicaid are both federally funded health insurance programs, they have different eligibility requirements and the benefits differ. Who is eligible for Medicare? Who is eligible for Medicaid? Medicare is an entitlement program. This means that if you have worked...
Househunting – Could Be A Real Nightmare for the Buyers!
Househunting - Could Be A Real Nightmare for the Buyers! Should you sell your home first and then look for a house or, should you look for a house and then put your home on the market? It's that same question that keeps coming up - what came first, the...
Still Thinking About Mother’s Day…
Still Thinking About Mother's Day... I'm still thinking about Mother's Day, even if it's a month later. I didn't have a particularly eventful Mother's Day but I did receive some interesting gifts from people and companies that I didn't expect. It started on Delta. The flight attendants were so incredibly...
You Won’t Believe What We Found…
You Won't Believe What We Found... We're moving. I don't know where we're going yet, but we're in contract with our house. Now, I know a deal isn't a deal until we close, but in the meantime, in preparation for the move, we are going through our entire house discarding...