Thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate you. I also want to wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. I hope that the 20s bring joy, happiness, and health to you and your family. Also, if you are in or around the Huntington, NY area, I will...
I Launched My Second Book!
Join me for my book launch party on Monday, January 6 from 7-9 pm at Book Revue in Huntington. RSVP at the bottom of the blog. I am so excited to announce that I published my second book. This one is called, Branding in a Digital World – How to Take...
What Will You Do When You Retire?
I hope that I won't have to retire for a long time, but I do know that instead of playing cards or Mah Jong, I hope to be able to keep running with amazing people. What will you do when you retire? Team Galloway LI running club Back in 2016...
Hanging with the Ladies at Forest Trace
When I arrived at Forest Trace to see my dad, I looked everywhere. He didn't have his phone turned on and I walked to his apartment, the clubhouse, the swimming pool, the lobby, I looked everywhere. I called his girlfriend, "do you know where dad is?" "He's listening to a...
24 Hours Without an iPhone?
I was without my iPhone for 24 hours and felt withdrawals. I can't believe how addicted we are to our mobile devices. There was once a time when there were no mobile phones. Today, there are very few payphones. So, without an iPhone or Android for 24 hours, you feel...
We go through life self-absorbed. Some of us schedule activities every weekend. While others enjoy staying at home, relaxing while watching TV or reading a book on our Kindles. But, when things happen, you start looking at life differently. Realizing that we are here for a very short time and...
How to Deal with Dementia
How to deal with dementia - Comment below to win a free eye mask! Is your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather repeating him/herself a lot? If so, he/she has a form of dementia. What is Dementia? According to the Alzheimer's Association, "dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall...
When Your Son/Daughter Graduates
Six years after my daughter graduated from Newhouse School at Syracuse University with a degree in public relations, my son graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in data science. This past weekend at Berkeley brought up so many mixed emotions that I realized many people have when your son/daughter...
Dressbarn Going Out of Business?
Dressbarn going out of business? About a year ago, my cousin, Mindy, turned me onto Dressbarn. Before that, I had never stepped foot into the place. I thought it was for older women. I didn't think I would like anything there, and besides, the clothes were inexpensive. How good could...
On Charities and Solicitation
The Jane Goodall Institute was the charity that my daughter raised money for when she had her Bat Mitzvah nearly 15 years ago. At a Bat or Bar Mitzvah, a 13-year-old has the opportunity to give "tzedakah," or to make a charitable donation to a worthy cause. At that time,...