There are some people who keep their business life very separate from their personal life. They may have a separate Facebook page for their “actual” friends and a page for their business acquaintances. I know many professionals who are corporate and conservative by day and at night they perform in...
Intellectual Property Review, by Guest Blogger Anthony M. Verna III
One issue I see when a business takes itself from the idea stage to doing business in the real world is a lack of intellectual property review. This can be seen in either taking out a Facebook page or a domain name in either the business name or a proposed...
On Pitching Reporters…
Have a product or service and want to get some media attention? No matter what type of product or service you have, informing the media about your product or service is the same process. After attending the Publicity Club of New York’s “A Look at Beauty and Fashion Media,” reinforced...
HJMT at Events!
HJMT at Events! Here's what we look like when we run events...
How Was The Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square?
I stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square this past week because the Entrepreneurs' Organization was having their annual EO Nerve Conference. EO Nerve is a regional event that is held every year. Two years ago, I attended one in Atlantic City. Last year, it was in Washington, DC....
Marketing for Startups and New Businesses by Gil Effron
When I was writing How to Give Your Business an Extreme Marketing Makeover, my focus was exclusively on exactly what the title implies: helping established businesses replace worn-out, ineffective marketing with marketing that would and could accomplish more in less time. Throughout the months that followed publication I started to...
No Facebook or Twitter?
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without Facebook or Twitter? It’s not that long ago that these two social networking sites weren’t even on an advertiser’s radar but today, they are more prevalent than ever. More and more corporations and agencies are focusing their ad campaigns...
Great Restaurant in Florence…
Great Restaurant in Florence...
The World’s Greatest Sales Man by Tim Healy
He only says hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening. He will never waste time talking to people who can’t buy a car from him. He understood the power of referrals and made sure everyone knew he sold cars. While many might not agree with his approach –...
The Leaning Tower of Pisa…
The Leaning Tower of Pisa...