Book Review: Tom Hinton’s 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life…The Best of Your Life

10,000 days seems like an eternity, doesn’t it? But, that is the amount of time required to complete, The Course of 10,000 Days.

The Course of 10,000 Days is a personal growth journey that helps individuals seek answers from within to solve emotional and spiritual problems that exist in the subconscious of many people.

In Tom Hinton’s book 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life…the Best of your Life, he describes the transformation he went through thanks to The Course. Hinton’s book goes through each step of The Course from his perspective and gives personal critiques on the difficulties he encountered. Some of the goals outlined in The Course include:

·      Reconnecting with your Inner Spirit
·      Discovering your Higher Purpose in life
·      Finding Peace within, through Forgiveness
·      Calm your Ego
·      Gaining Control over Emotional Responses

I personally wasn’t interested in any spiritual course, but after reading Hinton’s book, it made me think about where I stand in each of the above goals. Every word and phrase in the book allows you to pause and question where you are in relation to the objective.

What I found most powerful about the book was the ability to connect with the emotions and feelings through Hinton’s perspective. Similar books fail to offer those emotions leaving an empty description of a spiritual adventure. Hinton achieves this easily because of his passion. That passion and pattern of growth has inspired hundreds to begin with Day 1 of 10,000. If you are looking for a spiritual awakening, I would highly recommend 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life…the Best of your Life.

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