Bees…. Beez…. Buzz!

singingbeecard1.jpgWhere are you going to be on Wednesday, November 19?

If you are in NYC, then you should consider going to the NY XPO for Business at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. There will be more than 600 booths, including the HJMT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC booth!

I can tell you that we have a big surprise for you when you get there, but I won’t! We will have two of our staff members dressed as “bees” running around handing out our booth number, which is 1527.

The rest of us, will be dressed appropriately in black and yellow to STAND OUT! And, I’ll be there too!

At our booth, we will have the “Singing Bee” contest. We will play you a few bars of a song and you get to guess the artist/title of the song for a chance to win an Ipod Touch!

So, where did the bee thing come from?

“Creating Buzz Without The Sting” is our HJMT slogan.

What does it mean?

It means that we can help you get exposure and visibility for your product or service without it costing you a fortune to do so!

Remember if you go to the XPO for Small Business, visit us at 1527!

P.S.  If you want to attend, there is no fee for pre-registration.  Go to to pre-register.  If you don’t you will have to pay at the door!


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