Recently on the Barry Moltz Show on WIND-AM Chicago By Hilary TopperIn Pop CulturePosted April 12, 2014 Here’s an audio of the interview. Just wanted to share. Let me know what you think… Thanks!
Cloris Kylie April 13, 2014 at 7:37 pm Great interview! Lots of energy and enthusiasm…Perfect now that Google Glass is becoming more popular by the second! Congratulations.
Hilary JM Topper, MPA April 13, 2014 at 8:58 pm Thanks Cloris! Yes, did you hear that anyone can get a pair on April 15? Pretty cool stuff!
Cloris Kylie April 14, 2014 at 5:56 am Yes, I did hear about it. It is a pretty cool gadget. Awesome you already created a whole reality show about it!
Great interview! Lots of energy and enthusiasm…Perfect now that Google Glass is becoming more popular by the second! Congratulations.
Thanks Cloris! Yes, did you hear that anyone can get a pair on April 15? Pretty cool stuff!
Yes, I did hear about it. It is a pretty cool gadget. Awesome you already created a whole reality show about it!