And Yet Another Diet Product…

Did you know that in this country, one in every three adults and one in five children are overweight? According to the Health and Human Services Department, between 1998 and 2006, US obesity rates increased more than 37%.

It’s really astounding. Diet products are popping up all over the place and people are spending tons of money on diet books, diet food, and fitness manuals to try to do it themselves. I’ve tried many of these diets including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and even SlimFast. What I found was that I would sometimes, not all the time, lose weight on these plans and when I went off them, I would gain the weight right back.

I later learned that I needed to change my attitude in order to lose weight. I started going to a trainer, working out, watching what I ate and giving myself positive affirmations. After that change in attitude and lifestyle I eventually lost 25 pounds.

When Mark Pinney, a Zrii Independent Executive, approached me about a new product that was endorsed by Deepak Chopra, I was intrigued. I had read Chopra’s book on the The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams and was very interested. Are there really coincidences? According to many of the books I’ve recently read, the answer is “no.”

I told Mark to send me a sample and I would review it. I received the package containing two small containers of Zrii and I put them in my backpack. I figured when I had the time, I would check out the product and write something on it.

I went on a plane to Florida and was stopped when I was coming back. The security officer found the two bottles of Zrii and I thought he was going to take it away from me.

“What is this?” he asked.

“It’s a weight management drink endorsed by Deepak Chopra,” I said. The product had a weird look to it and I feared they would take it from me before I got a chance to taste it. But luckily he didn’t.

Zrii is the original Amalaki. Amalaki has been around for more than 5000 years and is known for its rejuvenating properties. It promotes energy, supports the immune system, stabilizes blood sugar levels and provides an overall rejuvenating effect. What’s in it? Superoxide dismutase, Quercetin, Ellegic acid and Vitamin C. What is all that? I don’t really know.

What I like about the whole “transformation program” is that they encourage the user to have the shake as a meal-replacement, look at better food choices when trying to eat a balanced meal, exercise, practice meditation and breathing techniques,  and write it all down to chart your program and reflect on your experiences.

The makers of the product only sent me two small vials so I was unable to actually report on if I lost weight by drinking them. In addition, I had a lot of trouble taking off the seal. It was nearly impossible to break unless you used a sharp object.

When I finally got the vial opened, I smelled it. It smelled good, like cherries. It didn’t taste that bad either. It had a cherry flavor, although when I had one of my staff members try it, she said it tasted like diet apple juice. It did have a sour aftertaste and was a bit grainy and thick. Fortunately, the aftertaste doesn’t stay in your mouth more than 30 seconds. But, if the product works, it may just be worth giving it a try.


I have a material connection because I received a sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content.
I am not expected to return this item after my review period.