On Getting Talent for Your Agency…

Hilary Topper

Talk about clever, Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s largest public relations firms, recently held a contest for a guaranteed interview with the HR person to discuss internship/job opportunities for the graduating glass of ’13.  On Twitter, students wrote why they should be interviewed in 140 characters or less.

Dozens of students posted using the #HBSI2013 hashtag.  Some directed the human resource folks to another site like slideshare or Pinterest and others followed the directions by tweeting why they should be interviewed in 140 characters or less.

Some of the admirable tweets included:

  • “Interns are like a box of chocolate you never know what you’re gonna get. But me, I’m a Twizzler: unique, flexible & reliable” (I liked this one because it was clever and took the assignment literally by sticking with 140 characters or less.)
  • “Take a look at why I’m the best candidate for #HBSI2013 via this @Pinterest Board” (It links to her Pinterest page which had boards on accomplishments, hobbies, etc.)
  • “Don’t tell people what you’re going to do; show them what you’ve done” (This linked to a Youtube video.)

The winner’s tweet included an infographic that showed who she was, accomplishments and hobbies.

It was an interesting contest and I look forward to more of these to come from public relations firms recruiting new hires for their internship program.

Do you do anything different to attract talent?



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