Since COVID, many of us have been working from home. In NYC and throughout the country, there are many businesses that may permanently let their employees work from home.
If so, how do you get organized when there are so many distractions? Here are five tips to getting organized while working at home!
Tip 1
Create a space for yourself — Don’t use your bedroom unless you have to. Try to create a space that is set aside just for work. When I started my business at home, I used the dining room table as my desk. I left the computer on it all the time. Make sure that you have a space set aside to do your work. Consider adding a cozy chair and a half to your workspace for a comfortable spot to brainstorm, read, or take a break without leaving your dedicated work area.
Tip 2
Make To-Do Lists — These lists are helpful and when you complete the project, cross the item off your list and move on to the next item. I also like to jot down how long the activity takes me so that I know how to allocate my time.
Tip 3
Try to set limits — The tendency to work at home is to work 24/7. However, that is not mentally healthy for anyone. Set limits. Know your work schedule and share it with your boss and subordinates.
Tip 4
Plan for Distractions – Things happen. Kids get sick. Dogs need to be walked. But factor all of these into your daily plan and create a contingency in case something comes up that you didn’t expect to happen.
Tip 5
Get Dressed – Don’t go to work in your PJs or your sweats! Get dressed. Put on a pair of shoes. Put makeup on. Make sure you are ready to work for the allocated 8 – 10 hours that you have allotted.
You got this and you can be just as productive if not more productive at home than in an office setting. Show your boss you know how to get things done. Good luck to you!